Press Release: GoGlobal Expands to Ulan Bator, Mongolia 

For Immediate Release: January 30, 2020

GoGlobal Expands to Ulan Bator, Mongolia 

To further expand its operations in Asia, GoGlobal has set up operations in Ulan Bator, Mongolia at the request of one of its major clients. 

The new GoGlobal Mongolia address is: 
Khan-Uul District, 15th khoroo,
Mahatma Gandhi Avenue, Galaxy Tower, Suite 1003-12
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Ryo Yazu, Representative Director of GoGlobal Japan stated, “We are deeply committed to our clients and honored that they would support our expansion despite being a new territory for us. It is a testament to the team that develops deep levels of partnership to explore challenges together.”

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