
Hire in Bangladesh

Here’s where you get started with human resources best practices and hiring in Bangladesh.

Published on March 8, 2024 | Last updated on May 20, 2024
beautiful scenery in the country of bangladesh

Bangladeshi Currency

Bangladeshi Taka (BDT)

The Capital of Bangladesh


Time Zone in Bangladesh


Important Facts About the Country of Bangladesh

Introduction to Bangladesh

Bangladesh, officially called the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, is a country in South Asia. It is home to more than 163 million people, making it the eighth-most populous country in the world. Bangladesh is a unitary parliamentary democracy and constitutional republic. The country adheres to the Westminster system of governance and is divided into eight administrative divisions and 64 districts.

What to Know about Bangladesh's Geography

Bangladesh covers an area of 148,560 square kilometers and shares land borders with India to the west, north and east. It shares a border with Myanmar to the southeast and the Bay of Bengal to the south. Bangladesh is narrowly separated from Nepal and Bhutan by the Siliguri Corridor. It is also separated from China by the Indian state of Sikkim in the north.

Climate in Bangladesh

Bangladesh hosts a typical monsoon climate, characterized by rain-bearing winds, moderately warm temperatures and high humidity. A mild winter occurs from October to March. A hot, humid summer lasts from March to June. Weather and climate disasters occur almost every year, such as floods, tropical cyclones, tornadoes and tidal bores.

The Culture of Bangladesh

The land that is now Bangladesh has been part of a few political entities, including Indian empires, Buddhist kingdoms, the Mughal empire, the British empire and the Pakistani nation. The culture of Bangladesh has also been influenced by the religions of Hinduism, Jainism, Islam, Buddhism and Christianity. Bangladeshi identity solidifies around the importance of the Bengali mother tongue, as well as the unique culture connected to the floodplains of the region.

Religions Observed in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is officially a secular state, with the Constitution granting freedom of religion. Islam is the state religion but the country proclaims equal recognition of Hindus, Buddhists, Christians and people of all faiths. Islam is followed by over 90% of the population and Hinduism by approximately 8.5%. The rest are largely Christians or Buddhists.

Languages Spoken in Bangladesh

The main language of Bangladesh is Bengali, also called Bangla. It is spoken as the first language by more than 98% of the population. The Bengali Language Implementation Act, 1987 enforces the use of Bengali in all government affairs in Bangladesh. Laws historically written in English were translated into Bengali after the act. All following acts, ordinances and laws have been promulgated in Bengali.

Bangladeshi Human Resources at a Glance

Employment Law Protections in Bangladesh

Bangladesh’s employment framework is regulated by the 2006 Labor Act (‘Act’) and the 2015 Labor Rules (‘Rules’). The Act and Rules apply to employees in commercial and industrial enterprises. The laws and regulations prescribe working hours, weekly vacations, annual leave and medical leave. It also dictates how companies use profits for gratuity, benefits, provident funds and employee participation.

Employment Contracts in Bangladesh

It is legally required for the employer to issue an appointment letter upon hiring an employee, in writing. The appointment letter are acceptable in English and should contain the following information:

  • the name of the worker
  • the name of the worker’s parents
  • the name of the worker’s spouse, if applicable (optional)
  • the present and permanent addresses of the worker
  • the designation of the worker
  • the type of work to be undertaken by the worker
  • the date on which the worker will join the establishment
  • the class of the worker (optional)
  • the wages or pay scale (wages or salary and the rate of the increase of annual salary, is optional)
  • other payable financial benefits (house rent, medical expenses, education, food, conveyance, festival and attendance allowances and gratuity, if any)
  • a statement that the conditions of appointment will be governed by the establishment’s existing service rules, if any, and the existing Labour Act.

Written employment contracts are standard in Bangladesh and can be issued following the appointment letter to include specific terms and conditions of employment. Employment contracts are acceptable in English.

Bangladesh's Contract Terms

Workers are graded according to the type and condition of their work in any of the following classes:

  • Apprentice
  • Substitute/ Badli
  • Casual
  • Temporary
  • Probationer
  • Permanent
  • Seasonal

The minimum age for workers in Bangladesh is 16 years.

Pre-Employment Checks

Neither the Labor Act nor the Labor Rules restricts or prohibits carrying out background checks. An employer can conduct its own checks or hire a third party to do so.

Bangladesh's Guidelines Regarding Probation Period/Trial Period

Probation periods vary between industries:

  • If the nature of work is clerical: six months
  • Permanent workers/ Indefinite contracts – 3 months, but extendable for a maximum of another 3 months if it is not possible to ascertain the quality of work in the 1st 3 months
  • Temporary workers/ Fixed Term Contract – no probation period.

A worker will be considered permanent after the probationary period if completed, even if a confirmation letter has not been issued.

Regulations and Rules Regarding Working Hours in Bangladesh

The maximum working week is 48 hours, normally spread over six eight-hour days. The weekly day of rest is generally Friday as Bangladesh is a majority Muslim country. Weekend is defined as 1.5 leaves in a week in Commercial establishment and 1 leave in a week in Factories, Friday Full day and Saturday half day.

Full-time workers are entitled to one hour of break each day, which can be divided into two half-hour breaks or taken in one go.

Bangladeshi Laws Regarding Overtime

The daily maximum number of hours an adult worker can be required to perform is eight. The weekly maximum working hours of an adult worker is 48, with an additional 12 at overtime pay. This totals a maximum of 60 hours per week. However, the employee must not exceed the maximum annual average of 56 hours per week. Extra working hours or overtime shall not be more than two hours a day. Effectively, the total working hours in a day shall not be more than 10 hours a day.

The overtime rate is calculated at twice the ordinary rate of the basic wage.

If a worker is required to work on festival leave, the employer is required to provide the worker with one substitute holiday and two days’ pay. 1 compensatory leave should be given for 1 day worked on the weekend, it should be availed within next 3 working days.

Rules Regarding Bonus and 13th Month Pay in Bangladesh

Employees who have been with a company for at least one year receive two festival bonuses annually. There is no mandatory minimum amount unless stipulated in the employment contract, but each festival bonus shall not be more than the basic salary amount (Basic salary is 50% of Gross Salary).


If a worker has been convicted of a criminal offence or found guilty of misconduct, an employer may terminate them without notice or payment in lieu of notice.

A worker may also be terminated without any cause by giving the prescribed notice or offering pay in lieu of notice.

A permanent worker may resign his service by giving the employer 120 days’ notice in writing. A temporary worker may resign by giving the employer 30 days notice in writing (for monthly rated workers). Where a worker resigns without notice, he may do so by paying the employer an amount equal to the wages for the period of notice, in lieu of notice.

Bangladesh's Requirements Regarding Notice Periods

Termination without cause

An employer may dismiss an employee on a permanent contract by offering notice in writing 120 days in advance (for monthly rated employees)

Where a permanent worker resigns, gratuity is paid according to years of service:

  • >5 but <10 years – 14 days wages for every completed year of service
  • >10 years – 30 days’ of recent wages for every completed year of service

Resignation by employee

A permanent employee may resign by giving 120 days notice, in writing, to the employer. A temporary worker may resign by giving 30 days notice (for monthly rated).

To resign without any notice, the employee may pay the employer an amount equal to the wages for the period of notice.

Redundancy/Severance Pay in Bangladesh

Severance must be paid for termination due to an employee’s ill health or redundancy, so long as the employee has been in service with the same employer for at least one year. The amount of severance varies depending on the employee’s length of service:

  • For <10 years continuous service: 30 days of wages for every year of service
  • For >10 years continuous service: 45 days of wages for every year of service

If an employee is dismissed due to misconduct, he or she is not entitled to any compensation.

When a permanent worker resigns, gratuity is offered according to their years of service:

  • >five but <10 years: 14 days of wages for every completed year of service
  • >10 years: 30 days of wages for every completed year of service

Post-Termination Restraints / Restrictive Covenants

The validity and enforceability of a non-compete clause are regulated by Section 27 of the Contract Act 1872 of Bangladesh. This section states, ‘Every agreement by which any one is restrained from exercising a lawful profession, trade or business of any kind, is to that extent void.’ Thus, any agreement to restrain trade, profession or business is considered void.

However, employers may attempt to implement restrictive covenants by having a carefully drafted, clear and precise ‘non-compete’ clause with the employee’s agreement. The employer should also outline provisions for liquidated damage and limit the period of time. They must also be able to show proof there is confidential information or trade secrets to be protected.

Fixed Term Contacts for Bangladeshi Employees

Fixed-term contracts are permissible under the category of temporary employment. FTCs are allowed up to 2 years only, thereafter, an indefinite contract must be issued.

Tax and Social Security Information for Employers in Bangladesh

The salary paid to employees is liable to an income tax deduction at source. All remuneration and benefits received by an employee who is a resident in Bangladesh are taxable. The same goes for remuneration and benefits received related to services rendered in Bangladesh.

Taxable remuneration and benefits include salary, bonuses, commissions, accommodation allowances, transport benefits, education allowances for children, employer-provided domestic assistance, leave encashment and medical allowances.

Personal Income Tax in Bangladesh

Below are the brackets and rates for 2023-2024:

Income Level (BDT) Tax Rate (%)
Up to 350,000 0.0
Next 100,000 5.0
Next 300,000 10.0
Next 400,000 15.0
Next 500,000 20.0
Over 1,650,000 25.0


Social Security

Employees in Bangladesh are not required to contribute to a social security fund. However, companies with paid-up capital of at least BDT 10 million or with value of permanent assets of at least BDT 20 million must pay 5% of their profits into a Workers Profit Participation Fund. It is not compulsory for employees to contribute to this fund.

There is no social security tax in Bangladesh.

*The above rates serve as a broad guideline. Actual rates charged by GoGlobal will differ.

Important Information for Bangladeshi Employees

Salary Payment

Salary payment or remuneration >BDT 20,000 must be conducted by bank transfer. Salary is required to be paid before the end of the seventh day after the last day when the wage is payable.

Annual Leave

An employee is entitled to annual leave based on the number of days worked:

  • one day for every 18 days worked (for shop, commercial, industrial, factory or road transport establishment workers)
  • one day for every 22 days worked (for tea plantation workers)
  • one day for every 11 days worked (for newspaper workers)

If an employee does not use all accrued overtime in a year, he or she can carry forward the unused time. However, this is subject to the following limitations:

  • Up to 40 days for factory or road transport workers
  • Up to 60 days for shop, industrial, commercial or tea plantation workers

If an employee requests earned leave and their employer refuses for whatever reason, the declined leave will be added to that employee’s leave credit and may exceed the above limits.

If an employee is dismissed from their position, they are entitled to the equivalent amount of compensation for any unused annual leave.

Sick Leave

All employees in Bangladesh (except newspaper workers) are entitled to receive 14 days of paid sick leave in a calendar year. To receive sick leave, employees must present a medical certificate.

Sick leave cannot be carried forward to the following year.

Maternity and Paternity Leave

Maternity Leave

  • Employees who have been in service of the same employer for at least six months are eligible for maternity leave of eight weeks before delivery and eight weeks after.
  • Employees who have worked less than six months, or who have two or more surviving children, are only entitled to unpaid leave.
  • Women are not permitted to work for eight weeks after giving birth.

Even if a female employee gives notice of maternity leave after the birth of her child, she is still entitled to the maternity benefits of eight weeks following the date of the child’s delivery.

Paternity Leave

  • There is no statutory paternity leave in Bangladesh.

Casual Leave

  • Casual leave is intended for the purpose of sudden illness, minor accidents and urgent issues. Prior application is required for this leave, unless the situation prevents such an application from being submitted.
  • Employees are entitled to 10 days of paid casual leave per year. This cannot be carried over to the next year.

Public Holidays

There are 15 major public holidays each year, 11 of which are paid days. The latter is known as festival leave.

Employees are entitled to payment if the bargaining contract states they should be paid on the optional holidays or if the employees are part of a union that advocates for their wages and salaries.

Benefits to the Employee in Bangladesh

Bangladeshi Statutory Benefits

In certain situations, a worker is entitled to compensation or gratuity (whichever is higher). These circumstances can include death, retrenchment, discharge or termination of employment.

A worker may also be entitled to be compensated in the event of a layoff or dismissal, depending on the specific circumstances.

A worker may be entitled to a provident fund, if the fund has been constituted in the establishment.

A worker may also be entitled to workers’ profit participation fund and workers’ welfare fund, if these features are applicable within the establishment.

The following benefits are optional only:

Workers Compensation

Employers are required to provide compensation to any employee who sustains a work-related injury. The set compensation is contingent on the worker’s age.

Old-age Social Pension

Old-age social pension is available for men aged 65 and above or women aged 62 and above whose annual income does not exceed BDT 10,000. They must not receive any other government or nongovernment allowance. Only one member of a family is entitled to receive the pension.

Disability Social Pension

To receive a disability social pension, an individual must be aged 6 or older and medically assessed with a sensory, mental, speech or physical disability. They must not receive any other government or nongovernment allowance. Their annual income does not exceed BDT 36,000.

Survivor Social Pension

This is paid to widows and women who are divorced or abandoned by their husbands. They must not receive any other government or nongovernment allowance and their annual income cannot exceed BDT 12,000.

Other Benefits

Large companies may provide employees with additional benefits, such as:

  • Private health insurance
  • Car facilities
  • Subsidized meals

Most companies in Bangladesh provide provident benefits to their permanent employees, which are usually derived from contributions made by the employer and employee. Employers also commonly provide gratuity benefits to permanent employees.

Rules Regarding Visas and Foreign Workers in Bangladesh

General Information

Short-term visas do not have numerical limitations. Employment visas and work permits are available for employees transferring from one corporate entity in a foreign jurisdiction to a related entity in Bangladesh if the labor market test is satisfied, based on the ratio of foreign to local employees.

Foreign workers must obtain an employment visa and a work permit in order to work in Bangladesh.

A labor market test is required as a precursor to receiving an employment visa and a work permit. Prior to appointing a foreign national, a job advertisement must be published in a daily newspaper or online to first allow for the recruitment of locals.

The current maximum ratio of foreign to local employees is set at 1:5 for commercial offices and 1:20 for industrial enterprises.

Foreign nationals are generally taxed only on income they earn working in Bangladesh. Any foreign income received from Bangladesh sources is also taxable.

Public Holidays Recognized by Bangladesh in 2024

Occasion Date
1 Shab e-Barat February 26
2 Laylat al-Qadr April 6
3 Eid ul-Fitr Holiday April 9
4 Eid ul-Fitr April 10
5 Eid ul-Fitr Holiday April 11
6 May Day May 1
7 Buddha Purnima May 23
8 Eid ul-Adha Holiday June 16
9 Eid ul-Adha June 17
10 Eid ul-Adha Holiday June 18
11 Vijaya Dashami October 13
The content provided in this publication is for general information purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. Due to potential changes in regulations, the information may become outdated. GoGlobal and its affiliates disclaim any responsibility for actions taken or not taken based on the information contained in this publication.

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