GoGlobal Asia Launches Cost-Rationalization Package Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

business communication in asia

GoGlobal Asia is launching a cost-rationalization package for organizations with operations in APAC that want to right or downsize their footprint in the region but retain some form of presence in country. The package includes:

  1. Company restructuring and wind-up
  2. Transition of in-scope employees to a licensed employer of record
  3. Dormancy / liquidation of the company’s legal entity

GoGlobal Asia, headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, with 16 offices in Asia Pacific, is at the epicenter of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and has seen a number of organizations try to restructure their operations in the region. Ryo Yazu, Representative Director of GoGlobal Japan stated, “With the markets in turmoil, a lot of clients are now looking at rationalizing their Asian markets fixed cost structure. With this GoGlobal solution, clients can compliantly maintain a presence and still reduce significantly their ongoing cost burdens.”

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